Will 'Hierarchy' Have a Season 2 on Netflix? Everything You Need to Know About the Korean Series Similar to 'Elite'

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Will 'Hierarchy' Have a Season 2 on Netflix? Everything You Need to Know About the Korean Series Similar to 'Elite'

The South Korean drama 'Hierarchy' has gained significant global popularity on Netflix. Here, we’ll give you all the information about a possible Season 2 and explore the details of this series, which has been compared to 'Elite.'

'Hierarchy' has become a standout series on Netflix worldwide. This Korean drama, often compared to Spain’s 'Elite,' has captivated viewers with its intriguing plot and complex characters. The story follows Kang Ha, a scholarship student who enrolls in the prestigious Jooshin High School with the goal of exposing a major scandal and seeking revenge, facing off against the elite students who look down on him.

If you are among those who enjoyed this thrilling Korean series, we’ll tell you whether there will be a second season and what you need to know about this Korean production.

Will 'Hierarchy' Have a Season 2 on Netflix?

Many fans are wondering if there will be a second part of the series that took Netflix by storm. According to the streaming platform, 'Hierarchy' is a limited series; however, the ending of the last episode leaves the possibility of a second season open. So far, the continuation of the k-drama has not been confirmed.

The post-credits scene showed an image that could hint at a second part of the series, as it confirms another murder, though it could be referring to the initial death of Kang Ha’s brother. Many fans are excited about the potential confirmation of a second season.


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