Hierarchy Cast: Actors and Characters of the Korean Netflix Series That's Identical to Elite

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Discover the actors and characters of the new Korean series coming to Netflix, with a youthful plot many compare to the Korean version of 'Elite'.

The series 'Hierarchy' has landed on Netflix, bringing a fascinating youth drama reminiscent of the popular Spanish production 'Elite'. The story follows the students of an exclusive school who must deal with their social differences after the arrival of a mysterious scholarship student at the most prestigious educational institution in Seoul. According to the platform’s description, "only 0.01% of Jusin school students control everything."

Starring Roh Jeong Eui, Lee Chae Min, and Kim Jae Won, the series promises to captivate with its unique storyline. The show has generated great anticipation among viewers eagerly awaiting the release of the episodes. 'Hierarchy' is set to enthrall with its story full of mystery, intrigue, and youthful romance.

The cast of 'Hierarchy'

1. Roh Jeong Eui as Jung Jae Yi

   - Jung Jae Yi is the daughter of the powerful Jaeyool Group and the undisputed queen of Jusin High School, the most prestigious school in the country. Her style and dominant presence are known by everyone in the institution. However, the arrival of a mysterious scholarship student will bring surprising consequences to her circle of friends.

2. Lee Chae Min as Kang Ha

   - Lee Chae Min plays an enigmatic transfer student who disrupts the strict hierarchy of Jooshin Institute. His arrival causes various reactions and challenges as he faces problems related to belonging to a different social class.

3. Kim Jae Won as Kim Ri An

   - Kim Ri An represents order and authority at Jusin Institute as the heir of the Jooshin Group, the school’s founders. However, the perfect life of this privileged student begins to change with Kang Ha’s arrival, whose disruptive presence shakes his carefully constructed world.

4. Ji Hye Won as Yoon He Ra

   - Yoon He Ra is determined to be the most popular girl in school. She aims to become the queen of Jusin Institute and will do anything to achieve her goal, even if it means sacrificing her friendship with Jae Yi.

5. Lee Won Jung as Lee Woo Jin

   - Lee Woo Jin is the son of an influential politician with significant power at Jusin Institute. However, Kang Ha’s arrival disrupts his environment and affects his friends. He also has a secret that could be revealed, forcing him to make a tough decision to prevent it.

Official Trailer of Netflix's 'Hierarchy'

When Does ‘Hierarchy’ Premiere on Netflix?

This Korean drama arrived on Netflix on June 7. You can enjoy the series with Spanish subtitles. To access the episodes, you need a Netflix account and an online subscription plan.


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