EXO: Suho Speaks About the Conflict Between SM and EXO-CBX

kpop buzz topics

Suho recently discussed the conflict between EXO-CBX and SM Entertainment.

What Happened?

Recently, SM Entertainment filed a lawsuit against Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin, accusing them of not wanting to adhere to the terms of their contracts. In response, the three members filed a counter-lawsuit against SM Entertainment, accusing the agency of unfair practices.

Suho's Response

Suho addressed the media during the promotion of the drama "Missing Crown Prince" and was asked about the situation as the leader of EXO.

Suho expressed:

"The truth is, I learned about the situation through the news. I was very shocked and angry. More than anything, I was worried about the fans.

Last year, our fans went through a similar situation. I remember how angry and heartbroken they were. With this happening again, I don't feel comfortable either, and I can see that the fans are not feeling well.

I want to take this opportunity to apologize to the fans because of this incident. We were preparing a new winter album. With Sehun and Kai finishing their military service next year, we were making plans with SM Entertainment.

While I believe it is our duty as EXO to provide good music for the fans and move forward without problems, this is not something I can guarantee. I'm very concerned. 

I asked the EXO-CBX members what was happening, but they only told me the same thing as reported in the articles."



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