Ryu Da In Talks About Her Relationship with Lee Chae Min

kpop buzz topics
Ryu Da In responded to questions regarding her relationship with Lee Chae Min.
Ryu Da In Talks About Her Relationship with Lee Chae Min
At the end of March, it was revealed that Lee Chae Min and Ryu Da In were in a relationship. The two confirmed the information shortly after, making their relationship official.

A few days later, the media interviewed Ryu Da In to talk about the drama "Pyramid Game," and she was inevitably asked about her relationship.

She shared:

"Many people support us, so I am grateful, and we will have a beautiful relationship.

I am quite carefree, and I'm the type to hide nothing. It may be hard to believe, but I wore a mask and sunglasses and tried to hide. I didn't think so many people would be interested in me.

There is no pressure to reveal my relationship. With an acting career, we become different characters each time. I don't think the title attached to my name will make a big difference. I just have to show good acting and do my best for the role entrusted to me.

For 'Pyramid Game,' Lee Chae Min supported me by saying that he watched the drama attentively."

Source: sportschosun


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